Saturday 31 December 2016

Weekend Favs December 31

Weekend Favs December 31 written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing

My weekend blog post routine includes posting links to a handful of tools or great content I ran across during the week.

I don’t go into depth about the finds, but encourage you to check them out if they sound interesting. The photo in the post is a favorite for the week from an online source or one that I took out there on the road.

  • Juicer – Aggregate all of your brands’ social media posts into a single beautiful social media feed on your website.
  • Docdown – Manage your web content with the power of Google Docs.
  • GoTouch – Have your own personal digital whiteboard at any time and any place for visual interaction.

These are my weekend favs, I would love to hear about some of yours – Tweet me @ducttape


from Duct Tape Marketing

Friday 30 December 2016

Online Marketing News: Siri vs. Google Assistant, Periscope 360 Video & Amazon Tests Product Listing Ads

Infographic: Google Assistant vs. Siri: Which is the Best Smartphone AI?
Artificial Intelligence is not a thing of the future, it has become something that we rely on daily. Today’s smartphones are equipped with the latest in personal assistants, but they are not all created equal. See which one has the features that you’re looking for. Search Engine Journal

Periscope Launches Live 360 Video Broadcasting
Twitter’s Periscope is another in a long line of social networks enabling 360 video on their platform. As of today, everyone can view 360 videos but only a select group of partners can publish. What could this mean for your video marketing strategy in 2017? Marketing Land

Amazon Begins Testing Product Listing Ads on Adwords
Google’s Product Search used to be based on organic results. Now it is entirely a pay-to-play advertising tactic. Since Google made the switch in 2012, Amazon has been nowhere to be found. Until now. See how Amazon’s re-entry into PLA could impact other businesses. Search Engine Land

How Tolerant Are Online Video Viewers of Buffering & Ads?
Over 75% of adults in the US and UK watch videos weekly. Not surprisingly, Millennials make up a large share of these viewers. A recent report from MarketingCharts found that younger viewers tend to be more open to ads in online video than other adults. Read on to find out what else the study uncovered. MarketingCharts

Digital Ad Market Soars 20% in Q3, Approaches $18 Billion
Digital ad spend in Q3 of 2016 marks the highest spend in Q3 in history with just over $17 billion. This spend is a 20% increase from Q3 of 2016. As the online landscape becomes increasingly competitive, augmenting organic activity with paid will become a necessity. MediaPost

Domino’s Made A ‘Wipeable’ Adult Onsie
Pizza chain giant Domino’s wanted to help their consumers prepare for a day of recovery after the new year holiday. To help ease the pain, they developed a wipeable onsie that can withstand even the greasiest piece of pizza. Additionally, Domino’s is donating all proceeds from the sales of the onsies to charities such as the Teenage Cancer Trust. AdWeek

Backlash Erupts After Hunt’s Marketing Blunder
Over the past few years health conscious consumers have begun rejecting products with genetically modified organisms or GMOs. To appeal to this audience, Hunt released a series of messages and videos claiming “You won’t find a single genetically modified tomato among our vines”. The problem? No tomatoes (from any vine) contain GMOs. This blunder has caused major backlash for the ketchup king. Forbes

Have a Safe & Happy New Year!

Thank you to each of our readers (and watchers) that have tuned in each week for our online marketing news round up. We hope you all have a great new year and we can’t wait to see you again in 2017!

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© Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®, 2016. | Online Marketing News: Siri vs. Google Assistant, Periscope 360 Video & Amazon Tests Product Listing Ads |

The post Online Marketing News: Siri vs. Google Assistant, Periscope 360 Video & Amazon Tests Product Listing Ads appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

from Online Marketing Blog – TopRank®

Thursday 29 December 2016

The Future of Influencer Marketing: Top Predictions for 2017


In the past, the SEO battle was focused on either black hat, or white hat tactics. Black hat SEO was considered extremely aggressive and didn’t typically play by the rules of search engines. White hat SEO tactics on the other hand were typically closely aligned with search engine guidelines.

Today’s world of SEO looks much different (and it’s about time). Instead of hyper focusing only on keywords or search engine needs, smart marketers are concentrating first and foremost on the needs of users. User experience as it relates to mobile accessibility, content structure and user intent on search engines have become the new norm.

Content is the reason search began in the first place. – Lee Odden

As many of you know, TopRank Marketing’s history is deeply rooted in SEO. Over the years, we’ve continued to incorporate an optimized approach to digital marketing by implementing integrated digital marketing programs that always follow SEO best practices.

But what does the future of SEO hold, is there more? We tapped into the minds of some great marketers to provide their predictions of what SEO will look like in 2017.

Experts Share Their Top Predictions for 2017

Doug Walker


Senior Search Marketer, Dell

Companies will experience big wins by creating relevant and highly useful content. @dougwalkerseo
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While I think it will be important to be up to speed with AMP and other important technologies, with continued content saturation, I think we’ll see even bigger wins by companies who can remain focused on the effort to:

1) Create stand-out content, completely relevant and highly useful to their target audience.

2) Successfully promote that content to drive consistent engagement in the form of links, social shares, news, and other buzz.

Troy Eaves


Senior Manager, Digital Media – Target Corp

In 2017, RankBrain will factor in more user intent signals than ever before. @Troyville
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We’re already seeing RankBrain begin to ‘take over’ and factor in more user intent signals than ever before. I think that will continue to happen and increase in 2017 (specifically, time on site, bounce rates, etc.). I think CTR from SERPs will be a bigger factor in re-ranking URLs as people develop more affinity for the brands they like and click on them when they see them; regardless if they are in pos. #1 or #9.

I think people will try to optimize for voice searches because, well voice is here. I think links will still be important. I don’t care what article you read that says they are dying, they aren’t. I think social sentiment around brands, hashtags, keyword association (neighbors) across the web will help sort results.

If social platforms ever work together with Google, I could see platform specific searches influence rank on Google too.


Kevin Kotch


SEO Analyst, TopRank Marketing

SEO experts need to focus on the mobile user moving forward into 2017. @KCotch
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The most significant change for SEO in 2017 will be the importance of the mobile-first index for Google. Many sites are ready for a mobile-first index but unfortunately many others are not. Google is continuing its focus on mobile, and it has been increasingly important to optimize for mobile users. SEO experts need to focus on the mobile user moving forward in 2017 in terms of metadata and user experience.


Danny Goodwin


News Writer, Search Engine Journal

In 2017, pay attention to how much engagement your brand or business is generating. @DannyNMIGoodwin
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With the rise of Google RankBrain, AI and machine learning are becoming incredibly important to think about for marketers and SEOs who want to capture valuable search visibility and be found at key moments of the customer journey.

What do these types of algorithms reward? Engagement – how many searchers click on your result and how long they stick around on your website. While these aren’t the only signals Google looks at to determine the quality of its search results (and where your site should rank for specific queries), it is definitely important.

In 2017, pay attention to how much engagement your brand or business is generating. Specifically: organic search CTR and time on site.

Even if improving your organic CTR and time-on-site doesn’t directly impact your rankings, it will still bring in more traffic that sticks around longer (and is more likely to convert). Write great titles that make searchers click – and reward searchers for their click by providing awesome, relevant content to match.


Optimize for Humans in 2017

Each of these experts shared great advice about different tactics that they predict will rule 2017. You’ll notice that the core message behind each of these predictions is the same: put people first.

By focusing on creating a great user experience and understanding what it is that your users want, you’ll start 2017 off on the right foot!

Disclosure: Dell is a TopRank Marketing client.


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TopRank® Online Marketing Newsletter.

© Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®, 2016. | The Future of Influencer Marketing: Top Predictions for 2017 |

The post The Future of Influencer Marketing: Top Predictions for 2017 appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

from Online Marketing Blog – TopRank®

Wednesday 28 December 2016

4 Design Terms Every Marketer Needs to Know

The transition from text-based to visual marketing is already well underway, as customer demand drives organizations to rethink how people communicate on the most basic level.

Cisco estimates video will constitute 80% of all consumer Internet traffic by 2019, and although marketers are racing to catch up, they’re still behind the times: in 2015, 52% of senior marketing executives believed that visual assets such as infographics, photos, videos and illustration could help them tell their brand story. But given that human attention spans dropped a whopping 33% between 2000 and 2015, from 12 to 8 seconds — and some report its dropped even lower — marketers no longer have any choice in the matter: eye-catching visuals that are quick to digest and easy to share will be an essential tool for any brand moving forward.

But what’s a brand to do when you have no idea what visual assets will be both effective and the right fit for your organization? This post will explain a few essential terms and tips you’ll need to get started.

1. Visual Communication

Visual communication may be the most form of all.

It may sound simple enough: visual communication uses images and visuals to create meaning.


Because it is likely to become the only way that the majority of marketers communicate with their audiences — so you need to know it when you see it. This isn’t just because people prefer video to text, and are more likely to share photos. It’s also easier than ever for any brand to reach an international audience. Just take a look at Google AdWords, which (finally!) launched a redesign in March, of which an essential part of the design was making it language-agnostic to remove obstacles for audiences with a wide variety of backgrounds and skill sets.

The new Google AdWords features clean visualization and icons that communicate the type of information being mapped, no matter what language you speak. Image Source

When necessary, limited text is included to explicate the meaning. Take a look at Starbucks’ visual communication strategy: one tweeted image incorporates autumn leaves combined with moss emblematic of their Pacific Northwest roots, announcing that the drink in hand is both seasonal and rooted in Starbucks’ larger tradition.

Starbucks’ visual communication strategy ensures every piece of visual content is immediately identifiable with their brand. In one of Starbucks’ most-liked tweets of the last few months, autumn leaves communicate the seasonality of the drink while moss connects to the company’s Pacific Northwest roots — no text necessary.

Another tweet reminds customers (without using a single word) that the brand is famous for just how personalizable their products are. Their stores and products project the same visual identity as their social pages. You know a Starbucks image immediately when you see it. That’s effective visual communication.

Starbucks communicates its reputation for personalized drinks, the breadth of its product offerings, and its release of seasonal cups — all in a single, text-free illustration.

But it’s easy to fall short of this goal. A great piece of visual communication should communicate in just the same way as the AdWords interface now strives to: without reading a word, you should be able to look at the design and tell what the graphic is about — what message it’s trying to send.

Here are a few questions to ask to determine whether your visual content meets the standards that your audiences will hold you to. If the answer is “no” to any of these, rethink whether your content is really communicating effectively:

  1. Ask someone unfamiliar with the graphic or video to glance at it for 5 seconds. Can she tell you what the theme is?
  2. Are you using illustrations and assets custom-made for the content, as opposed to cookie-cutter graphics or clip art?
  3. Is the content targeted toward achieving a single goal?
  4. Are both the design and the copy calibrated to attract and interest your target audience?
  5. Have you kept text to a minimum?

2. Visual Storytelling

Every brand has a story to tell, but with more stories to choose from than ever before, keeping an audience engaged can be a challenge.

The answer lies in what’s already interesting to your viewers: we’re living in the golden age of television and online video; game and virtual realities are becoming more complex every day; and websites encourage visitors to interact actively with their content. Storytelling today has to be something users can see, interact with or hear before they’ll share.

Take a look at Carrington College’s informational motion graphic on springtime allergies:

It transforms pollen, white blood cells, and even mast cells into humorous characters to reframe what could otherwise be a boring explanation as a story. Every audience is attracted to stories — it seems to be a part of our human DNA. And with the help of clever visual storytelling strategies, anything can become a story.

Visual storytelling uses visual communication to craft a narrative that explains a concept and often evokes an emotional response. It’s ideal for those marketers seeking to share an idea, promote a point of view, or convince potential customers of the quality and effectiveness of their product. As with visual communication, education is one of the end goals, but this approach aims to persuade the viewer to reach a specific conclusion.

Here are a few elements that make for a great visual story:

  1. Plot: You should carefully guide your viewers from beginning to end.
  2. Priorities: Only use the strongest data and arguments. Too much information is overwhelming.
  3. Audience: Identify a single target audience and create a story they can relate to.
  4. Goal setting: If you’re trying to make too many points at once, or share too many ideas, you’ll end up turning viewers away. A targeted, single goal promotes shareability and engagement.

3. Information Visualization

You’ve got more data than ever and no idea how to cull meaning from that data. Or maybe you do know what it means, but it’s nearly impossible to get your colleagues interested in what that data has to say — much less get your customers so excited that they’re willing to retweet that data to their followers. This is where quality information visualization comes in — and “quality” is the keyword.

Information visualization aims to convey meaning as quickly as possible. The primary focus is to educate the viewer, not to persuade them to form a specific opinion. Information visualization can also be aesthetically engaging and even interactive, as The New York Times proves with its visualization of deportation numbers.


Massive amounts of data are made meaningful in The New York Times’ visualization of U.S. deportation numbers. The graphic transforms as readers scroll down. Image Source

But to be effective, you need to use visualizations that stand up to scrutiny, follow mathematical and scientific best practices, and quickly communicate the big picture. Not everyone is up to this task. Here are a few essentials for when you’re visualizing information:

  1. Check your graphs: Using a pie chart for something that’s not a percentage or setting inconsistent scales for your graphs are both big errors that could take center stage instead of your actual message.
  2. Keep it simple: Don’t try to pack too much information into one image. One graph should have one takeaway.
  3. Focus on the message: Getting lost in the data is the opposite of the point. Help readers understand what’s important and why through careful organization of the content, as well as icons and illustrations when necessary.

4. Visual Campaigns

What if you have a more complex story to tell? Most companies do. One piece of content just can’t say everything you need to say.

One piece of content — even if it’s a social post that goes viral or a video that gets thousands of likes — also isn’t likely to assure the long-term success of your company. That’s why more and more organizations are looking at improving their branding by placing more emphasis on visual content and creating a consistent look and feel that will span multiple marketing campaigns and a variety of content types, from motion graphics and interactive pages to infographics and social posts. At the same time, marketing campaigns are now expected to have a consistent and recognizable visual element — something that can be recognized instantly.

Take a look at how Coca-Cola’s one brand campaign launched this year. Its products were available in dozens of countries, with dozens of looks designed for maximum appeal wherever they were sold. It was a massive undertaking, but the company pared down its product design to just four universally recognizable packages.


Image Source

Coca-Cola’s old strategy was to create new branding for each new product. Now, they’ve united their global branding with four consistent, and instantly recognizable, colors, each of which is visible on all sides, no matter which way the bottle or can is turned on the shelf.

“When people see this new brand identity, they’ll know they’re buying a Coca-Cola,” explained James Sommerville, vice president of global design.

This is all to say that companies are redesigning all their customer-facing content to offer up a consistent visual message. Here are just a few of the benefits of undertaking a visual campaign:

  1. The consistent use of quality assets across your brand communicates an overall dedication to quality that customers today are equipped to recognize and prepared to appreciate through engagement and sharing.
  2. A single face for your visual content communicates that you’re committed to authentic and honest communication — not changing your stripes with every new piece of content.
  3. Multiple visual assets can reach a broader audience because of their adaptability to different platforms.
  4. A consistent look builds brand awareness.


In the end, visual communication is an indispensable tool for any marketer, but execution is key. Not just any visual content will do the job. Consumers ignore sloppily designed or cookie-cutter graphics in favor of those that inspire — not only in how they look but also in how they deliver their primary message. Armed with these essential terms and a list of dos and don’ts, you’ll be well prepared to avoid the pitfalls as you navigate to the visual communications agency that’s right for your brand.

About the Author: Erin McCoy is the Public Relations Manager for Killer Infographics.

from The Kissmetrics Marketing Blog

Shifting Your Mindset for Business Success

Shifting Your Mindset for Business Success written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing

Marketing Podcast with Michael E. Gerber

As any long time reader of mine knows, I’m into systems. Systems are what set a business apart from a job and systems are the thing that will set you free and enable you to someday sell your business should you choose to do so.

So, what if, instead of looking at getting better at what your business does, you began to think about the business itself as your product?

My guest for this week’s episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast is Michael E. Gerber. Gerber is the author of  The E-Myth series of books, including Beyond the E-Myth: The Evolution of an Enterprise: From a Company of One to a Company of 1,000!. He and I talk about scaling your business and why every company should be built as a product to sell.

Gerber was very instrumental in shaping my thoughts and point of view around small business, and he ultimately contributed the foreword to my first book Duct Tape Marketing.

He is a true legend of entrepreneurship. Named by Inc. Magazine as the “World’s #1 Small Business Guru,” Gerber has impacted the lives of millions of individuals and hundreds of thousands of companies worldwide for over 40 years.

Questions I ask Michael E. Gerber:

  • How should long-running businesses react to the changes going on around them?
  • Should everyone today start a business?
  • What is the founder’s job?

What you’ll learn if you give a listen:

  • Why you need to change your mindset when it comes to business
  • How to grow beyond the “Company of One”
  • Why the Storyteller is crucial for scaling your business

To learn more about Michael E. Gerber, click here. To buy Beyond the E-Myth: The Evolution of an Enterprise: From a Company of One to a Company of 1,000! click here.

This week’s episode of the Duct Tape Marketing podcast is brought to you by magicJack for BUSINESS, trusted by a quarter million small businesses. Reliable phone service at an incredible price: plans from just $14.99/month per line – flat. Get two months FREE service when you sign up at The first 100 listeners will receive a FREE IP phone for every line (each an $85 value)!

from Duct Tape Marketing

Top 10 Modern Marketing Blog Posts of 2016

As we approach the end of the year it is always instructive to review the top performing blog posts of the past twelve months. As Modern Marketers we need to know what types of posts resonate with our readers. This understanding of our audience helps us plan for the coming year. When things work, you want to do more of them. When they don't, you stop.

The following are the top performing posts from 2016, that were published this year:

Demandbase Launches ABM Solution for Oracle Eloqua Marketing Automation

This product announcement was the top performing post for the year. As we focus most of the content on the blog at the top of the funnel, without a heavy dose of product information, it is instructive to analyze why this post out-performed all others. In a word, or an abbreviation, ABM. The announcement that you could finally do account-based marketing within Eloqua was a really big deal for our audience. This post resonated so much with our audience that we added an ABM category to blog, where we regularly publish stories on the topic. It was a big thing for Modern Marketers in 2016 and it was a big thing for us.

Announcing the 10th Anniversary Markie Award Finalists
Markie Award Winners Show How Modern Marketing is Done

Everyone loves the Markies, and the coverage of the 10th Anniversary of these coveted awards earned two of the top spots in our top ten posts. Both the announcements of the finalists and the winners showed that readers are interested in companies that are executing marketing strategies better than others. These are also posts that appeal to both customers and prospects.

5 Strategic Business Lessons From Game Of Thrones

Pop culture references drive traffic, but they really drive traffic when the posts provide real insights into the topic. This was masterfully demonstrated by one of our strategic consultants. Plus it has a picture of a dragon.

5 Reasons I’m Unsubscribing From Your Emails
Gmail, TLS Encryption and Why Email Marketers Need to Know About It

These two posts are how-to posts for email marketers, both written by internal subject matter experts. The mission of our blog is to help Modern Marketers do their jobs better. These posts show that our readers respond to our mission.

5 Simple Marketing Automation Tips to Improve Conversion

Another how-to post that provides some practical advice from a marketing automation professional.

5 Ways Video will Transform Digital Marketing in 2016
2015: The Modern Marketing Year in Review

Our readers like to know what's coming and where we have been. The first post is from the CMO of one of our partners who stressed the importance of video in the coming year. The second post was part of our look back/look ahead series of content. This was part of an award-winning content campaign with lots of campaign elements driving traffic back to this blog post, among others.

New Gartner Report: Build Your Digital Marketing Hub

And finally, we make sure we share the latest industry analyst reports on our blog to help our prospects learn more about they types of products that they are considering and to help our customers be confident that they have made the right choices in their martech solutions.

Make sure that you don't miss any of the top posts of 2017 by subscribing to our weekly blog newsletter

from Oracle Blogs | Oracle Marketing Cloud

Facebook Advertising: How to Get More for Your Budget


Gather around, children, and let me tell you a story of Facebook advertising in the long-forgotten year of 2012. In that gilded age, whenever your page posted an update, up to 20% of your followers would see it in their feeds organically.

It was a simpler time. A gentler time. And a time when Facebook took in a lot less revenue from advertisers.

Then in 2016, organic reach fell off the cliff (Or was it pushed?), sinking to as low as 2% of a page’s followers.

The moral of the story is: If you want to reach a sizable audience on Facebook now, you’re going to have to pay. But as our friends (and clients) over at LinkedIn Marketing say, “Organic is good. Paid is better.”

Why settle for the audience that happens to wander by? Why settle for the audience Facebook thinks wants to hear from you? With a little investment, you can bring in an audience that is perfect for your offer. And you can keep refining your targeting over time to get even more out of your budget.

Here’s how to get the most out of your sponsored content on Facebook.

Zero In on Your Audience

Most people who use Facebook entrust the site with an astonishing array of personal information. I’m not talking names, addresses or phone numbers (though plenty of people surrender that info as well)). We’re talking what businesses they frequent, what public figures they admire, what pop culture they like, and more. As a marketer, all of that information is at your fingertips.

You can start to build your targeted segment based on demographics like age, occupation, and education. Then take it to the next level with interest and behavior-based filters.

Say you’re selling a self-help book. You might pick an audience that also likes Tony Robbins and has visited other self-help websites, for example. That means filtering by Interest (pages and categories people have liked on Facebook) and by Behavior (actions taken on and off Facebook). Here’s an example of what Behaviors look like in Facebook Ads Manager:


Create a Lead Capture Page

Once you have defined your audience, it’s time to create a page that will compel a click. This is the landing page your ad will lead to—it needs to close the deal for people who already clicked from Facebook.

Start with an asset that is worth trading some contact information for. Offer real data-based, demand-based, substantial best answer content. Then set up your landing page with:

  • A brief headline (60 characters or less!) with a statement of benefit
  • An inviting image (can’t go wrong with happy people)
  • A little proof (testimonial quote or stats)
  • A big, friendly CTA button with custom text (“Get your guide” vs. “Download”)

Create your Ad

You can either design your landing page or your ad first. Whichever order you do it in, your landing page should look as much like your ad (or vice versa) as possible. Use the same fonts, same verbiage, same image. There should be no doubt in your customer’s mind that they’ve come to the right place when they click through.

Be sure to follow Facebook’s advertising policies, and to keep your copy short and to the point. Research shows that posts with 80 characters or fewer get far more engagement than wordier posts. Up to 66% more engagement, in fact. So be brief!

It’s important to create a few versions of the ad for A/B testing. Test variations in the headline, copy, and image.

Create a Trackable Conversion

In order for you to track the effectiveness of your ad, Facebook needs to know what happens to visitors after they leave Facebook to visit your site. Adding a Facebook Pixel to your pages makes that possible. It’s a little piece of code that tracks behavior of traffic from your ads to pages you specify, making it easy to attribute conversions and retarget ads (more on that later).

Once you create the pixel and add it to your pages, you can create event code to put on a specific page. Place the code on your thank you page (after the visitor has filled out our lead form) and you can use it to track conversions:

Facebook Advertising Conversions

Here’s Facebook’s guide to creating a conversion in the Ads Manager.

Run Multiple Variants of Your Ad

Always run a few variants of your ad at the same time, so you have data to evaluate performance. In addition to testing variations on the ad copy and visual, test variant audiences. Take advantage of the thousands of targeting options to try a few different sets and see what hits. You can always turn off the underperformers and focus your budget on what works.

Analyze & Optimize

As you run your campaigns, keep a close eye on your analytics. Facebook’s Ads Manager has some pretty robust reporting abilities, especially with your pixel and conversion properly configured:


You will be able to see your CTR, break down the clicks by demographic, and see your cost per click (CPC) at a glance. Use all this information to refine your campaigns—switch off the ones that aren’t performing and try new variants, while boosting the variants that perform the best.

Retarget & Lookalike

Not everyone who clicks through is going to complete your conversion goal, of course. That’s why retargeting is so important. Retargeting means making a custom audience on Facebook of people who have visited your website (tracked by your pixel), and using that data to serve ads to them again until they convert.

For extra bonus points—by which I mean, a larger relevant audience and more conversions—select the “lookalike audience” option for your retargeting. In addition to traffic that has visited your site, Facebook’s algorithms will serve the ad to people with similar demographics and interests to your website traffic.

Book Only the Most Relevant Faces

Even with the most compelling content, it’s hard to get organic reach on Facebook. Of course, any traffic is better than none—and if the content’s good, it has a chance of getting shared and amplified over time. So don’t discount organic entirely. But it’s definitely time to start thinking of Facebook primarily as a paid platform, and to take full advantage of its potential.

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TopRank® Online Marketing Newsletter.

© Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®, 2016. | Facebook Advertising: How to Get More for Your Budget |

The post Facebook Advertising: How to Get More for Your Budget appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

from Online Marketing Blog – TopRank®

Tuesday 27 December 2016

What I Want for You Most in 2017

What I Want for You Most in 2017 written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing

I’m afraid this isn’t going to be the typical end of the year wrap-up/prediction post.

Nothing wrong with those, I’ve done them in the past, but today I simply want to share what I hope.

I hope this for my own business, and I hope this for anyone struggling to make meaning, get unstuck, grow, change, reconnect, start, or stop.

So often we take stock at the end of the year and for a brief moment may even experience something like optimism for the upcoming year. But, then the same patterns sneak back in, and by the end of January, nothing seems much different.

For 2017 to be the year that you breakthrough or out the only thing you really need to change is your mind.

Your current mindset about what your business is or what you are capable of personally – are the things that will forever hold you back.

The need to do it all, to remain busy, to believe that you must control every moment has you mired in a constant struggle with what it means to own, operate, and grow a business. I don’t say this critically; I say it with self-incrimination as much as accusation.

But you see I believe that our greatest gift to the world is a business and life fully realized.

Ask yourself this – is there something holding you back, whispering in your ear every time you get a spark, or pumping the breaks every time a little thing like momentum comes your way.

Funny thing is you may not even feel it – it’s just your normal – but I assure you that in the immortal words of Christopher Robin while encouraging his friend Pooh – “you’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, & smarter than you think.”

So, why aren’t you achieving that of which you are capable?

Here’s what I believe.

As the founder of this very important life of yours, you must decide to do less, to do your most important things.

In order, in fact, to do the things the world needs you to do – to do now more than ever.

Get clear about your impact

To achieve your dream, you must discover one. You must get very clear about the impact you want your business to have, and you must take hold of that idea and make it the only reason you do anything in your business.

Call it the vision or mission or anything you want, but it must be big and bold and often scary. In fact, there must be times when you ask yourself who the heck you are to think you can do something this important.

Yes, it must frighten you from time to time, or it won’t mean much.

Continuing to think and act small doesn’t serve anyone – most especially you.

You don’t have to think of this as some call to right the injustices in every corner of the world, but you do need to make your little dent in something and, may I suggest, that you probably know what it is.

Here’s a tip about impact – your impact is measured not but what you do, but by what happens to other people when you do it.

Find, keep, and hold your single idea as it will drive you to achieve your brand of greatness.

So let me ask you this – how will you make an impact in 2017?

Commit to very few things

Once you own that big audacious driving idea, you’ll be tempted to make a list of the 19 pressing projects you must tackle to achieve it.

Here’s the ironic thing about your greatness. It’s usually accomplished by focusing on a very small number of things and doing them exceptionally well – better than anyone else.

Choose two to three priorities only and go to work on them every day. Sure, you may have to moonlight and do the work you’ve committed to do, but you must return day and night to the most important elements of your impact.

So let me ask you this – what are your two or three highest priorities?

Speak your story

Storytelling is how you recruit others to help you achieve your dream, it’s how you attract ideal clients, it’s how you bring excitement and meaning to the day to day work of your enterprise.

It’s also one of the hottest leadership, marketing, and branding topics going these days and with good reason.
Stories simplify things. Stories cement ideas. Stories make us approachable. Stories illustrate ideals. Stories make us feel.

The greatest way to create impact in the lives of those you serve is to make them feel something about themselves.

How can you take your big idea, your limited number of priorities and create a narrative you can convey everyone you meet, you can use to get your team engaged, you can share and reshare with your customers.

Mind you; I don’t mean that you should create a good story. I mean that you must unearth your story and start shaping it for the world to hear.

You must find your way of telling people about where you are going and why.

Every good story has a relatable protagonist, a quest, and, of course, a villain.

If it’s the right story, the real story, there’s a good bet you’ll feel self-conscious and uncomfortable sharing it at first.

Stick with it, refine it, practice it, and pay attention to the moments or bits in the story that seem to spark nods of engagement.

So, let me ask you this – what will your new story sound like?

My hope is that this post inspired you to think about what’s possible – but, that’s the end game I’m after.

Inspiration is one thing, it’s an important start, but what will you do to make 2017 the year?

Let’s visit this topic over and over again and let’s help each chase and catch some dreams in 2017. Let’s go make a happy mess!

from Duct Tape Marketing